Farm in São João D’Aliança in State of Goias
- 32 km from Flores de Goias
- 250 km from Brasília
- Total Area: 2,911 hectares
- Coruja River runs through the farm
- 02 Water Permits approved for two 80-hectare irrigation pivots
- 01 Landing Strip
- 01 Main House
- 01 Accommodation Building
- 01 Support House (Manager’s Residence)
- 01 Artesian Well
- Fences in good condition, 22 paddocks
- G.O. 116 Highway crosses in front (planned asphalt project in front of the farm)
- 01 Cattle Pen – capacity for 1,500 head of cattle
- 02 Electrical Standards (one at the headquarters and one in the middle of the farm)
- Agriculturally Usable Area: 1,900 hectares, the rest is formed pasture and reserve land
- Topographic Project completed with irrigation mapping
- Average Clay Content: 35% / Average Altitude: 500m
- Rainfall Index: 1,800 mm
Price: $ 10,000,000
Address State of Goias
Country United States