- Located 45 km from Iaciara – State of Goias with a paved road and 17 km of dirt road
- 480 alqueires
- 70% fertile land (Barriguda soil)
- 11 electrified modules, each with 4 divisions of 30 hectares, totaling 120 hectares per module
- Artesian well powered by off-grid solar energy
- 10 km of the Paranã River
- 5 water permits for irrigation pivots of 100 hectares each
- Main house with one separate suite
- 3 separate suites and a 12m x 12m leisure area built with padded stone walls
- 2 corrals
- Water tank with a solar-powered pump supplying water across the entire farm
- Suitable for agriculture and livestock
- Flat lands with slight slopes
- Annual rainfall: 1,400 mm
- Altitude: 450 meters
- Pastures: Miage, Mombaça, Colonhão, Massai, Brachiaria, and some Andropogon
- Currently operated for breeding, raising, and fattening cattle:
- 1,500 cows and heifers inseminated
- 600 calves nursing
- 2 machinery sheds, a salt storage depot, a fodder storage depot, and a car wash facility
- Fully fenced with smooth wire, including the 10 km along the Paranã River.
Address State of Goias
Country United States