Farm 5 Irmãos 545 hectares 80% developed areas (435 hectares) 235 hectares of newly developed and corrected land 9 pasture divisions with conventional fences New cattle handling pen Main house Caretaker’s house Barn Electric power available Located 85 km from Coxim, with 80 km of paved road Property Value: $ 2,100,000.00
13 km from the city of Flores de Goiás 230 km from Brasília 100 alqueires 800 meters of Paranã River frontage Good cattle corral with squeeze chute and electronic scale 3 dams 3 water troughs 1 water trough with a capacity of 12,000 liters 1 artesian well with a 15,000-liter tank powered by solar energy […]
Located 45 km from Iaciara – State of Goias with a paved road and 17 km of dirt road 480 alqueires 70% fertile land (Barriguda soil) 11 electrified modules, each with 4 divisions of 30 hectares, totaling 120 hectares per module Artesian well powered by off-grid solar energy 10 km of the Paranã River 5 water […]
265 alqueires Municipality of Flores de Goiás 13 km from the town of Flores de Goiás Borders the Pipiri River Flat property Located in light cerrado vegetation Approximately 60 alqueires cleared House Cattle Corral Artesian Well Water Tank Machinery Shed Main House Cowboy’s House Price: $ 3,000,000